Power Union

Phaya Brands Ochelebe
2 min readMar 8, 2021


Power Union is a network of individual like minded personal that are committed to assist each other to succeed in all theirs endeavor.

Every team that plays together always wins collectively, Two hands are required to make a clap, just like a tall ladder can reach higher heights but it must Lean on a stable foundation to function properly.

All members of Power Union covenant to use word of mouth promotion to elevate each other’s products and services which we know can go further than Imagined.

It’s a known facts that we will all become very prosperous when we continually and collectively promote each other’s goods and services to our friends and colleagues physically and online.

We accept the responsibility to do or say something positive about our members’ business on your various social media platforms in the same manner as other members are promoting your business on their platforms as well.

Collectively, we are like many fingers on one arm, when one of the fingers is celebrating we all swagalize but if one of the fingers is hurting then others feel the pains and play care taking roles.

I will prefer to have a friend that I did something for and make him or her to become a multi-millionaire which will interest a lot of people to need my services to help them achieve similar financial status.

We identify our participants’ gifts and talent, then, our network restless passionate young people magnifying it in the eyes of the world.

Author Phaya Brands Ochelebe

