Why will Magic Jack decide to frustrate a Canadian Start up business trying to keep afloat especially in this trying seasons of covid-19 season that many small businesses are tanking or going under?

Phaya Brands Ochelebe
4 min readFeb 18, 2021


Thanks to Better Business Bureau for providing this platform for consumers like us to complain about the unethical ways that Magic Jack conducts business and treat customers like hostages, that are willing to pay them desired ransom, but our life and livelihood still gets taken away regardless.

When a business lose its telephone line and un able to answer clients call it hurt our business and reputation in the market place because 85% of majority of business related transactions and communication takes place over the telephone.

There are several statistics all over the internet to prove these points.

I think we all agree on the facts that It is reasonable to assume telephone is still the number one tool customers use when they need to get things done fast.

When customers need to ask important question regarding products or service, majority will reach out to call for help.

Magic Jack refusal to take our subscription renewal payments from all the credit cards provided has made us missed many calls and revenue generating opportunities.

Imaging what is going through the mind of customers when we cannot be reached?

It makes our customers feel like our business is putting up a false advertising to waste customer’s precious time.

It makes our organization to appear incompetent to provide solutions to our clients needs.

Unprofessionalism is never the wish of any business operator, however when Magic Jack will not renew our business telephone lines It affect our customer service rating which subtracts from our earnings in the market place.

We have been rendered incapacitated financially because of calls not coming in to make sales and engage our staffs that depend on customer service provision to earn a living.

Phaya Brands is an e-commerce company located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Since December 2020 I started receiving service renewal notification from Magic Jack, which I quickly responded by purchasing pre-paid Visa and Master Card to renew my Magic Jack subscription and Canadian Telephone Numbers which I use to operate my business…

Magic Jack Virtual assistance operating out of the Philippines tried every possible means to renew 3 of my business telephone lines with Magic Jack. All effort proved unsuccessful.

Each time I called Magic Jack to resolve the problems of my payment not going through I will be greeted by automated answering machine that will announce that my hold time was 15 minutes, which turned to be above 1 hour on several occasion.

Magic Jack is intentionally wasting my time by giving all kinds of run around.

Finally I resulted to port out my 3 telephone lines with magic jack, Since I have tried everything possible that Magic Jack customer service suggested I do to renew my telephone lines with them and it all failed.

Including asking a friend named David to use his personal credit card issued by a reputable Canadian Bank to renew my 3 telephone lines for additional 5 years, David credit card also declined and failed transaction.

I decided to port 3 of my numbers out from magic Jack to a different carrier called (Lucky Mobile) whose agent instructed me on what I needed for the porting to happened successfully.

I provided all my details to the new carrier including the telephone numbers I needed to port out and a message was sent to magic jack to authorized the porting request.

I called Magic Jack agent again to obtain the required information for porting and they had me waiting online again way over an hour, when my call was finally answered, I told the agent that since Magic Jack has deliberately refused all legitimate credit cards provided to renew my telephone lines, I will like to be given all proper information to port out my numbers.

I was told by the agent that in order to be eligible to port my numbers I had to pay first, I told the agent that all credit card provided to renew my subscription failed including Mr. David my friend’s credit card.

I suggested that I am willing to pay through any other available means that Magic Jack can accept my payments like wire transfer, a purchase of international money order or bank draft from my bank here in Canada, which I could send overnight by DHL courier service to Magic Jack office to cash before renewing my services.

I was prepared to send the payment via western union or money grams or any other available means of payment, I was given no alternative, which means all my 3 business lines will expires and all advertising expenditures lost.

I pleaded that I am getting depressed because I took a Canadian Government Business loan to carry out massive advertising to boost my business and I am worried about repayment if Magic Jack cause me such set back of refusing to renew or port my numbers.

I want my 3 telephone numbers ported out successfully to the new designated carrier (Lucky Mobil) their agent has already sent approval messages to magic to authorize the porting and magic jack agent refused to comply.

Why will Magic Jack decide to frustrate a Canadian Start up business trying to keep afloat especially in this trying seasons of covid-19 season that many small businesses are tanking or going under?

I will like that Magic Jack to be restrained from using telephone its telephone system as tools to cause emotional turmoil and sleeplessness to business operator that depend on Magic Jack Telephone numbers to offer their services and sell their goods in the market place.


Phaya Brands) Ochelebe,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

