wonderful companion

Phaya Brands Ochelebe
2 min readMar 9, 2021


Thank you for being a wonderful companion, We came so far — so long together, I am inspired by your amazing roles, I have learnt so much from being around you.

You and I defeated every obstacle that challenges us.

Let us create happiness out of this boredom and uncertainties.

Am gazing higher up into the future, hoping that you are still with me all the way, Lifter of my dreams to reality is you.

With you by my side, there are no mountains too hard to climb, I can walk, run and fly across the oceans for you.

Together we are dangerous to every circumstance that confronting us.

Let us stay the course till the end no matter the tougher time.

Uplifting Lover, Come here treasures of my heart, let me hold you closely right, Don’t hold your breath when you dance with me.

Just make a choice of anything is yours, You deserve all the good life coming your way.

I pledge to always be here with you, I pray for our heart to care and love each other forever, I guess we are stuck here together I will never let you go.

We are UN-separable spiritual soul ties. I promise to fill up the void in you. You are my soul mate for life, I will keep on tinkling with your fancy,

Phaya Brands Ochelebe

